
Monday, November 16, 2009





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mike said...

these are insane
i like these alternate realities

tkincher said...

Stellar. I want to see these movies so much!

Griffin Hartter said...

Thanks I'll make more some day

Jon said...

these are brilliant

JimmySlattery said...

Bonus points for Billy Drago and Woody Strode - nice!

you intersted in doing an album cover?

Dust said...

These REALLY need to be compiled in a book. Any and all effort to make this so would be much appreciated.

Griffin Hartter said...

A book sounds rad, i was thinking of doing an art book in general. Thanks for all the kickass feedback everyone!

Phillip said...

These are so fantastic. The Bill Finger credit on the Joker movie (in 1979!) almost brought a tear to my eye. I'd like to live in the alternate reality where Bill Finger didn't die an unacknowledged alcoholic in '74.

K. R. Seward said...

This so rocks. The greatest movies never made.


Griffin Hartter said...

Thanks Philip, though i did leave Finger out unintentionally in the Joker's Five Way revenge playbill.

K.R. Seward, thank YOU!

Big E said...

(as said by others) BRILLIANT!!!

Shazzy said...

Oh mah god.. These are too much for me. I would kill a lot of people to see these versions made. Walter Hill directing half of them, oh, filmnerdgasm.

Abe said...

Very Cool. Guessing that Toshiro Mifune plays the Yoda chracter in 'The Star Wars'. (BTW, did you know his character in The Hidden Fortress was the influence for the Luke/Han Solo character

Romulus said...

Vintage WCVB logo spotted on Reyes and Straume!

Griffin Hartter said...

NICE EYE ROMULUS! Chet and Natalie forever!

Matt said...

A Micronauts movie? If only I lived in that universe!

Undersecretary to the Deputy Commissariat said...

I want to see that Matrix!

Would you please fix the first two links?

Marv-El said...

That Mister Miracle movie...any more Steve McQueen movies would be magnificent, but that would be phenomenal. Thanks for the work.

Griffin Hartter said...

Thank you, I'm glad you dig it

editor said...

scary - I must live in an alternative universe (or just visit) I can envisage how some of these would play!

Mybro said...

BRAVO! Amazing work, very good taste.

Unknown said...

These posters are brilliant! I am so impressed - very creative!!!

ArcLight said...

Man, I'd love to see that BLADE RUNNER.

Nick the Hat said...

Pure Genius, well done!

Traci said...

These are incredibly brilliant!

Bite said...

¡This is fucking GOLD!

Griffin Hartter said...

Thanks for the comments and props!

Stephen Dedman said...

Love the idea of Tim Curry as the Joker: he was actually considered for the Joker's voice in Batman: The Animated Series, but producers decided he sounded too scary. I still think he should get the role if they ever film Miller's The Dark Knight Returns - either him, or John Hurt.

Jack of All Tirades said...

I thought I was the only one who remembered Mr. Miracle - mad props!

These are fantastic! I'd buy these!

Dusty Chalk said...

Amazing. You didn't just play mix-n-match, you took it to a whole 'nother level. Superb.

Griffin Hartter said...

I'm glad you guys like them

Lars Kramhøft said...

This is just too sick!!!
My favourites are Lon Chaney as the joker and Hitchcocks Halloween. The visuals style is amazing.

c.pain said...

Wow, Corey Feldman as Moon Boy has to be the most brilliant casting ever. These are awesome. A book would be cool, or a trading card series. I'd buy either or both.

MRS E said...

I love you.

Shell said...

I'm loving these movie posters. Wish some of them were real movies!!

tom said...

dude, i just found out about these. amazingly hilarious. great work.

Unknown said...

holy shit. this is amazing

Griffin Hartter said...

Cool thanks!

MYTHOS said...

If you're taking requests, I'd love to see an 80s BEWITCHED poster, starring Kathleen Turner and Crispin Glover.
Directed by John Waters.

Griffin Hartter said...

Now THAT I'd want to see

SabrebIade said...

I have no idea which one I like the most.

Griffin Hartter said...

Cool thank you!

Anthony said...

This has to be one of my favorite discoveries on the internet. EVER. With the amazing work and range of these posters, their ought to be a coffee table book of these! I can't imagine there would be any additional legal issues outside of selling these individually as prints. Just saying, if there was a book, I think you would sell a LOT of copies...

MYTHOS said...

Love the Dune poster. Plate-of-shrimp time: I was just thinking TODAY how much I'd want to see an Alex Cox-directed Hamlet, featuring much of that same cast.

Griffin Hartter said...

hah plate of shrimp, classic. No explanation. No point in lookin' for one, either.

That sounds like a killer idea, Hamlet.

Eduardo said...

Muito bons seus cartazes.
Adoria ver esses filmes!!

Griffin Hartter said...

Thank you!

Gidi Vigo said...

Great set! Very cool project...

Griffin Hartter said...

Thanks! Hundreds of hours on these over the last year and a half, all fun!

MYTHOS said...

Check out the illo for a 1977 Malcolm McLaren JLA film:


A punk Wonder Woman is the dream-girl from my HS years...tie me up and make me tell the truth. The gobbing Aquaman is also a treat.

MYTHOS said...

Meh, link didn't work, so this should work better:

Marie said...

After finding your amazing work I changed my opinion: here is hope for humankind.

Griffin Hartter said...

That's cool, thank you.

Daniel Joseph Sardella said...

I love The Maxx one!

My Maxx tattoo
This was right after it was finished.

My full backpiece
This includes a blending of 2 paintings by Polish Art Deco artist Tamara de Lempicka above my Maxx piece.

Griffin Hartter said...

That is suh-weeeeet

Daniel Joseph Sardella said...

Thank you, sir.
The artist that tattooed me, Cory Kruger, is phenomenal.

Griffin Hartter said...

very cool

Anonymous said...

As the post is really looking one of the most authentic source to see the most vintage and famous movie posters. This one is massively looking one of the great collection for that. I am highly impressed to see this one. Thanks for sharing some magnificent and exotic movie posters in this post.

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That Guy said...

Do you do requests? I'd like to see a movie poster for "Dongzilla vs. Vagira" done in the same spirit a the movie "Flesh Gordon". Vagira is performed by a woman crab walking on her back. For Dongzilla a large appendage could be added to the costume. Cameos from other "Big Monsters" could get thrown in with modifications to make them fit the theme of the movie. Kong Dong anyone?

Griffin Hartter said...

ha hahahaha sounds like something the Dark Bros would do

picaso said...

good work nice to see your alternate realities. Strangely it seems to me that some would make really good movies if developed properly. keep up the good work

Unknown said...

Genius. I can totally imagine Jack Palance as the Punisher.

Griffin Hartter said...

Cool thanks!

AzathothX said...

Beautiful work.
Your obvious careful consideration in casting all roles and crew is quite evident as well as brilliant.

Griffin Hartter said...

Awesome of you to say, I do spend some time on these, with varied results, but my heart's always in the right place. I hope.

Unknown said...

Insanely awesome!

Jorge A. Trejos I. said...

Awesome work congrats!

1914 said...

Don't know what to say except these are fucking amazing man, and why are you not the highest-paid movie-poster designer in Hollywood / for movie studios in general right now?
I want to see all those films, especially that Big Lebowski.

Griffin Hartter said...

Dr. B...unfortunately, Lebowski isn't mine, its nowhere on this page or my site

MattL said...

The Dark tower posters were awesome!!!! Also Elvis vs Cthulhu needs to be made

Griffin Hartter said...

Thanks Matt!

ben thompson said...

Genius on all counts.
You have my deepest praise.

Copisetik said...

Made my way way here from the Comedy Central Futurama Fanpage which was showing off your John Hughs Futurama poster. These posters are epicly made of win! I was planning on listing some that caught my eye in particular, but soon realized that list would be, like, half of them. Thanks for the lightning bolt straight to my imagination (I am picturing an AU version of Bergman's Seventh Seal written by Neil Gaiman and directed by Tim Burton--Starring Johnny Depp as the knight, Pete Postlethwaite as the squire, and Crispin Glover as Death). I hope to see more from you in the future.

Griffin Hartter said...

Very cool of you to say, thank you!

Robert said...

Congratulations Sean!

Realy amazing.... I was "snatched" from Brad Pitt as Plasticman...:)

Go on! I want to see more and more alternate movie posters! :)

Robert from Hungary - what is now a littlebit alternate...:)

Robert said...

Congratulations Sean!

I was realy "snatched" from Brad Pitt as Plasticman...:)

I want to see more and more alternate movie posters!

Go on! All the bests from Hungary - what is now also a littlebit alternate universe...:)

3rdstone said...

LMAO when I realized you put Susan Sarandon and Gianna Michaels in the same flick (Avatar). That's humour to me.

Great posters with great art, concepts and witty idéas when it comes to castings, directors, soundtracks etc. Keep the good work up.

Metalserfo said...


Metalserfo said...


Metalserfo said...


jorge said...

thanks a lot for you work, is really amazing!!!

Griffin Hartter said...

Thank you for liking it!

Unknown said...

Is there a possibility for "hd" version, which one could print as a poster? Especially the 2001 from Kurosawa? :D

Heather said...

I can't possibly be the first to say this, but man, if you offer these as prints, I will by several.

Griffin Hartter said...

I work things out with people who want them heh. Thanks!

Zack Wall said...

Wow, I would love to buy several of these prints! Any way I could buy some off you? I could always print them at Staples, but I'd rather support the artist if I can! Honestly, these are brilliant. I can tell you put a ton of work into them!

Griffin Hartter said...

Thanks, I do actually put in a bit of time on them, thanks for noticing! Ah, yeah man you can order right up at the top left of any of the pages of my blog, I appreciate it. These are so small that they'd look bunk blown up. I always kick in little extras in your shipping tube as well.

kencar said...

LOL -- these are amazing. The Adventure Time one literally made me lol. I wish these were real movies!

Griffin Hartter said...

CLARIFICATION on my previous comment "These are so small that they'd look bunk blown up." I was asked if I sell the posters, which I did at the time last week, because the person Zack Wall who was asking would rather support me with a purchase or two than copy these small images and go to Staples and have them blown up and printed. Someone misunderstood me and thought I said the quality of the full sized, non-internet resized, 400dpi posters were of a crap quality. Not so. I even produce up to 24 x 36 @ 400 dpi that I have seen in person in cases at movie theaters that are as crisp and sharp any any of te others being displayed. Just a clarification! I don't offer the posters at this time because I am too busy with client projects.

Gunner said...

Bummer. Let us know when you get back to poster production !

CassiopeiaCephalopoda said...

Any idea when you'll sell posters again? Elvis Vs. Cthulhu definitely needs to hang in my kitchen.

Unknown said...

Made my day (and prob. days to come). This is an absolute must-see. I love the way you use non-movie stuff like Moorcock's books or some 80's anime which produce a urge in the viewer's head to want all these to be real. (scuse my french, I'm not fluent :)

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This comment has been removed by the author.
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Damn, I can look at these for hours. Someone knows their cine history and has that casting gift...

Metalserfo said...

I love your movie posters! I suggest you The good the bad and the ugly: Lady Gaga as the good, Rob Halford as the bad, Ozzy Osbourne as the ugly. Director: Quentin tarantino
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Jack J said...

These posters are insanely awesome!!!

Did you ever do one for "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre"? I could have sworn I saw one at some point many months back (I guess it could have been someone else's).

Unknown said...

These posters are brilliant! I am so impressed - very creative!!! Thanks for sharing. Nice article about Homes Poster.

Lionel Braithwaite said...

Fucking insane and amazing-I take my hat off to you, sir. Keep it up.

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