
Monday, July 30, 2007


I am 38 year old quasi normal guy with a massive beard. I was born in Central Massachusetts but grew up in the South (Temple, Texas and Winter Park, Florida) before moving back up to my home town of West Bridgewater in 8th grade with my mom and sister. Since then my mom has added my brother to the family, he's 16. I have been married for 17 years but been with my wife for 20, our first nervous date was "Basic Instinct", not a good choice. I have a 6 ft tall 17 year old son and an almost 6 ft tall 14 year old son who I love to death. Since they were little we have drawn on clipboards and copy paper while watching movies and TV, some of my favorite moments in life. My twin black cats Beatrix and Elle lead cushy lives. I taught Beatrix (BB) how to fetch while the other one runs out like gangbusters when she hears the cold cut drawer in the fridge open. I have a lot of friends and love them like brothers and sisters, as I'm sure they'll say about me. I'm a musician for over 20 years now and went to college for recording arts. I record with a number of friends less often than I used to but I still manage to get some time in. I've worked warehouse jobs and office jobs at pretty much every level. What else? Oh, shit. Yeah. I have incurable leukemia that I never feel comfortable talking about or mentioning, but I'm saying it here. I'll be fine. Or I won't. Its out of my hands. I've made a lot of friends because of art. People seem to dig it on the whole, but some don't and that's fine. I'm still gonna do it. If you look through my work you'll see everything from hand drawn Italian fumetti style comic stories to photocollage movie posters, all of which I spend a lot of time on but I always approach these projects with a tongue in cheek attitude, in the spirit of fun. I'm having fun and want you to too.

Not many pictures of me, but here a blurry Patterson-Gilmlin-esque one. Thanks for getting to know the man and ROCK OUT!

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